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Bunscoil an Traonaigh [Lisnaskea], Lisnaskea, Co. Fermanagh
Feis Timetable for Saturday [Open Image]
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NSPCC Keeping Safe

We are excited to be introducing the NSPCC Keeping Safe Programme to Bunscoil An Traonaigh. Keeping safe is a whole-school educational programme which teaches children how to keep safe from all types of abuse.

Teachers and assistant staff will all help deliver key messages to children about keeping safe from all forms of abuse, including bullying and neglect.

At the beginning of each term school leaders will deliver a prepared assembly to introduce the theme for the term. Following this assembly each teacher will deliver 3 lessons tailored to the age group of their class. The lessons use eBooks, character animations, stories, rhymes, and interactive whiteboard activities to engage children in the learning.

For each lesson, homework has been developed to involve parents so that learning can be reinforced at home. Resources have also been developed for parents to help them feel confident about communicating sensitive messages to their children. 

Further information about the programme is available at and you can always talk to your child's teacher or Máire Boden, our Designated Teacher for Child Protection, if you have any concerns or questions.
